After reading chapters 4-6, talk about any experiences you have had with bullying.
Why do you think Kenny's attitude changes towards Larry Dunn, as he is being beaten?
**I have never observed anyone being physically abused, but I have seen children ridiculed and teased. I remember when I was in the 4th grade, I found out I had to get glasses. I wore them (and back them, they were really UGLY - blue, plastic frames and thick lenses...), and was called the usual names such as four eyes, etc. Instead of just ignoring the teasing or fighting back, I started taking my glasses off when I got to school. This affected my grades and confidence level since I could barely see far away without them. I don't remember when I quit letting it bother me, but even in high school, I remember taking my glasses off at certain times because I was so self conscious.
I don't recall any bullying growing up, but now I know many students report being bullied. I guess I led a sheltered life and lived in a simplier time. (thank goodness) : ) Kenny's attitude toward Larry Dunn changes because Kenny seems to know how others feel. He shows empathy--a quality that many others don't seem to have. BTW, the video you posted with MLK giving his speech was very moving--disturbing actually, but something students should see. It's so hard to believe that things like that took place in our life-time. Those people in sheets didn't know what empathy was or know that we are more alike than different.
ReplyDeleteI do remember being bullied in 3rd grade one time. This little girl kept pulling my hair when we would meet in places where there was no teacher. So, I got tired of it one day and walked straight to the principal's office and told the principal I was tired of it and didn't understand why she was doing it. She got in big trouble and never pulled my hair again. Funny thing was I was the one that felt bad for turning her in. That feeling is kind of the same feeling that Kenny had after By got a hold of Larry. By was pretty tough on Larry, humiliating him in front of the others. From the details in the story, you begin to realize along with Kenny that Larry Dunn doesn't have an easy life. His shoes were old, he barely had clothes on, and he acted as if all of it didn't matter to him. Larry had built up a "tough skin" to anything that he may need to "feel." He was probably a bully because he didn't have anyone to care for him like Kenny and By did. Home for Kenny was a safe haven, but for Larry that was probably not the case. Now Kenny was feeling a bit sorry for Larry even though Larry was the bully. Kenny knew Larry was not as "fortunate" as he was even though he hated being bullied by him. After By humiliated Larry by beating him, making fun of him, and doing it all in front of Kenny, Kenny's view of Larry Dunn changes. It is funny how the person being bullied can feel sorry for the Bully.
ReplyDeleteTeaching 4th grade you see all kinds of bullies. Most of the time, these children are the ones who don't get the attention at home like the others who do. I try to let students know that bullies are usually just sad people. Hurt people usually hurt people.
ReplyDeleteI was bullied a lot in elementary and junior high. Not beaten though just made fun of because I have naturally curly hair and instead of curls with nothing in it, it is really frizzy and nappy. I still remember how it made me feel and I still feel very self conscious about my hair. I try to talk to my kids about bullying and how its affects can really change a person's life and the way they look and feel about themselves. I believe Kenny's attitude changes towards Larry because he knows how it feels to be beaten and bullied. He understands the hurt and embarrassment that teasing and bullying brings because he has dealt with it for so long. He can relate to the situation Larry is in.
ReplyDeleteSuzanne--well said, and I agree completely. I just think now it's hard to teach students empathy, so it's good to hear that you are talking to your kids about bullying.
ReplyDeleteI was never bullied. I went to a small school, and we were all like family. There were little squabbles, but nothing serious. As a substitute teacher, I have seen many kids bullied. I did my best to help each child. Usually the one being the bully just wanted attention that they were not receiving at home. I believe that this is why Larry was doing it in this story. Larry was probably from a poor family. It lets you kinda know this when the author says that he only had a thin jacket on. He could only wear socks not gloves. This seems to point out the fact that he was poor. His father, or father figure, in his home might not be the best also. Children learn a lot from the adults in their life. Not to say that Larry should not be punished, but it could be that he learned some of it at home or this could be the only way that he is getting attention. Kenny has a soft heart, and he has been bullied a lot in his life. He knows how it feels, and he has a lot of compassion.
ReplyDeleteGrowing up I was a victim of bullying and also (unfortunately) I sometimes was the bully. I remember being picked on about my weight a lot during elementary and middle school. To this day I am very self conscious about my body. I also remember picking on others in order to draw the attention away from myself. It is not something I am proud of. As a teacher, I witness a lot of bullying. I make it clear to my students that bullying is not tolerated. I have often shared stories from my past to my students, even owning up to the times when I was a bully and how ashamed I feel to this day about my actions.
ReplyDeleteI understand Kenny's feelings towards Larry. Larry spends his time tormenting Kenny and deep down Kenny would love for something bad to happen to Larry. However, when he sees how badly Larry is being beaten, he can't help but sympathize with him.
I don't necessary remember any bullying when I was younger, but I definitely see it at school. I teach sixth grade and boy are those kids mean to one another. Its not just one particular kid it seems that they all pick on each other. They talk about the clothes they wear, how long or short one's hair is, they way they smell, they talk about being with other students mother in bed (yeah they do!). I am appauled at some of the things that they say and talk about at this age. I truly feel it is a coping mechanism for those who may have less than others and a way for those who have more feel better about themselves. Kenny is not a bad person and I think he would have felt bad for anyone who was getting beaten up. I think when Kenny saw the holes in Larry shoes he knew that was Larry's way to keep others from picking on him. Kenny knew Larry's weakness at that very point in the book.
ReplyDeleteBullying has become such a common problem and concern in the school system these days. I Googled "bullying" and it said that almost 30% of teens in the United States(over 5.7 million students) are victims of being bullyed. How disturbing is that? Also with the consequences that bullying entitles, this not does promote a good future for our children. It really can damage your adoesence. I can remember a specific time when i was bullyed continuously. I am very tall for a girl, and had a huge growth spurt at a early age. So in third grade i was towering over the guys(who mature WAY after girls). Everyday on the playground guys would make harmful comments to me about my heigth. It hurt my feelings. I believe that Kenny can relate to the exact situation that Larry is in. Even though Kenny has had his feelings hurt by Larry's bullying before, he is a simpathetic guy and knows how bad it hurts. So when he witnesses Larry being made fun of, he becomes the bigger person and steps up for him.
ReplyDeleteKenny's attitude toward Larry definitly changed to sympathy for him, after seeing him get beat up and taunted. Although Larry constantly picked on Kenny, Kenny could see how hurtful bullying can be.
ReplyDeleteBullying has become extremely out of control these days.I remember getting teased as a kid and the way it made me feel. I just had to learn to lean on those who loved me for support. Bullying is something that wont go away, but we can definitly try to keep it to a minimum.
Hannah McDonald
I was in the same boat as Hannah - I was really tall as a kid (finally topped out at 5'9") and was constantly teased for it. Plus, I had curly red hair. When I was in the fifth grade I had a bunch of boys follow me around DAILY at lunch and recess teasing me about some correlation to the movie Annie. *sigh* I think I finally kicked the daylights out of one of them. That didn't solve the problem, but they kept a bit more distance when they teased ;-)
ReplyDeleteI wasn't physically picked on - as I said, I was tall, plus I grew up in the country and my parents raised livestock so I was pretty strong. A lot stronger than most of the kids my age. Anyway, I would have been in a lot of trouble if I'd started fights, but my parents never would have expected me to just let some other kid beat me up. I think whoever came up with the rhyme "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me." was smoking crack, though. I think the words often hurt the worst.
As others have said, I think Kenny feels sorry for Larry because he possesses empathy. He knows what it's like to be the one on the receiving end, and he's unable to enjoy someone else being put in that position.
Something I find interesting - how is it that Byron and Kenny are SO different? I'm an only child, but still, you'd think the nature vs. nurture argument would hold some sway here. They've got the same parents, grow up in the same house, same environment. Why is one a sweet little boy while the other one is a punk? I mean, I certainly don't expect siblings to be the exact same, but you'd think some things (moral codes, etc.) would be the same, or at least similar.
I found that Kenny related himself to Larry's situation, especially since it was Byron doing the bullying. Having been a bullying often, Kenny knew the embarrassment and the shame that Larry was filling.
ReplyDeleteI do not remember being bullied or bullying anyone but I did witness a few people in my High School being bullied. I felt sorry for them and would help them where I could (sitting with them at lunch, ect). I understand what makes Kenny feel sorry for Larry.
I think what Kenny understands, that perhaps people like his brother and Larry do not, is how fragile the human condition is. Where Larry and By may be able to harden themselves to the fact of another human beings suffering, Kenny cannot. He knows what it is like to be taken advantage of day in and day out by people larger, faster, and stronger than he is. By and Larry hardly ever experience this themselves because they are among thos larger, faster, and stronger types. So when Kenney witnesses Larry being beaten by his own older brother, Kenney feels immense sympathy for Larry in his condition. Kenny constantly comments on the fact that Larry will not break and cry. Kenney can read pain and embarrasment all over Larry's face and he understands that by not allowing himself to break down in front of all those witnesses, because he himself has a reputation to keep, Larry is making the whole situation harder on himself. What people like By and Larry lack is an active emotional being, one that allows them to feel and thus place themselves in other peoples shoes. Kenney had felt these emotions and he knows and feels the pain that Larry is being put through as he is being put through it.
ReplyDeleteI don't recall being bullied while growing up,but I do kind of remember some girls would say mean things about my friends and I. One of my friends would just tell them to take a look in the mirror at themselves,and maybe they would think twice before speaking.
ReplyDeleteKenny's attitude changed toward Larry Dunn because he has a great, BIG heart, and he is a very compassionate person. Kenny knows how to empathize with others. Once again, the strong family values are shown. Although, Kenny was picked on by Larry, he chooses to treat Larry the way he would want to be treated.
I wish that more children would be taught to have a kinder heart(considerate) toward each other. I am constantly talking to the students at school about the way they should treat one another. Life hasn't been a bed of roses for Larry Dunn; it's been hard for him.He made me think about some of the children I deal with daily.
I was bullied in elementary school. I feel it was because I was very timid and was scared to death to stand up for myself. The bullying was never physical, but was more emotional. I can really only remember one girl that was always bothering me. The bullying effected the way that I felt about myself and it wasn't until towards the end of my senior year of high school that I was able to begin coming out of my shell. I feel like I put up a wall to protect myself and it took years for that wall to be broken down.
ReplyDeleteAs a second grade teacher, I see bullying in all forms. Not only do I see physical bullying, but I also see emotional bullying. I have told my students that bullying is not tolerated in our school! When a student is picked on, it should be taken care of right then!
Kenny's attitude toward Larry changed because he was able to picture himself in Larry's shoes. He had been picked on so he knew exactly how Larry felt.
Sara Chreene
I personally do not have any experiences with bullying and have never seen anyone be bullied. I think cyber bullies are a lot more well known today than physical school bullies. Instead of physical abuse that we usually think of, emotional abuse is a lot more common. Words seem to hurt people more than bruises and cuts. Like Kenny, if we treat others the way we want to be treated, our actions will eventually rub off on other people.
ReplyDeleteStratton Harlan
When I was in elementary school I was bullied by the older boys just like Kenny was. They liked to pick fights with the younger boys because they knew they could beat us. Of course when I was older, I admit I treated the younger boys the same way. So I have been on both sides of bullying.
ReplyDeleteI think Kenny sympathized with Larry because he knew what he was going through. I also think that Kenny felt sorry for Larry when he saw the holes in his shoes and how little clothes he was wearing in the cold weather. He saw a side of Larry he had not seen before which changed his view of him.
“The Watsons go to Birmingham”
ReplyDeleteChapter 4-6
In Chapter 4-6 we continue to see the development of the family. Byron being the oldest continues to dominate his younger brother and sister. In Chapter 4 the children discuss how many layers their mother dresses them in to protect them from the cold. She has Kenny and Joey multiple shirts, sweaters, pants, socks and shoes and boots, jackets, coats, scarfs and hats. Now this kept them warm, in their words “the warmest kids at Clark Elementary” the only problem was taking off all of the layers. Kenny undressed himself and then he’d go to Joey’s class and help her. Neither one of them liked this situation, and they complained to their mother about all the layers, but she still didn’t change her mind. So Byron found a way to show his sister why their mother protected them the way she did. The story about the frozen people being taken off the street in the big garbage truck seemed to work. They never complained again. Their parents always prepared for the winter by purchasing two pair of leather gloves at the end of each winter for each child. Kenny shared his gloves with Rufus because he didn’t have any. So he got the bright idea to tell his parents that he lost his gloves and his mother gave him his last pair, but she pinned them to his coat so he couldn’t lose them. When his gloves came up missing Rufus had to share his gloves with Kenny now. Larry Dunn another bully stopped wearing socks and all of a sudden had leather gloves. He decided to have a snow ball fight with the boys and really hurt them. Rufus noticed that Larry had stolen Kenny’s gloves and Kenny told Byron. Byron and Buphead gave Larry a lesson he’d never forget. While watching Byron work Larry over, Kenny felt sorry for him, because he realized he didn’t have any warm clothes, he sort of felt bad for telling Byron.
In Chapter 5, Byron experimented with matches and his mother warned him and warned him, but to no avail that didn’t work. Byron was put on punishment and when his week was just about over he went into the bathroom and played his parachute game again. When Momma smelled the smoke she’d told him she was going to burn him. She brought him downstairs, and got some matches and Joey begged her momma to stop, Kenny too felt sorry for Byron cause they knew he was in real trouble this time. Byron was going to have to deal with his dad, which was probably better than dealing with his mother.
In Chapter 6, their parents got an account at the corner store to charge items, Byron didn’t understand. He figured that they were now on welfare. When he and Kenny were sent to the store and they realized that they could charge groceries Byron was happy. He used this to his advantage, and bought things like cookies he wanted.
The children all developed in many ways. But one thing is for certain, Joey had a lot of love for her brothers and defended them to the end. She basically protected them in any way possible. Byron would do things to Kenny, but he didn’t allow anyone else to harm him.
Sonja Schaffer
I was teased a lot by other kids but it wasn't bad to the point it got physical. I have seen one of my classmates bullied really bad, physically and emotionally. At first I kind of sat back and watched it aw until I caught the boy crying one day outside during lunch. I sat with him and asked what the matter was and he told me it was like he was trapped in a terrible world he couldn't escape. He told me he not only got picked on at school but at home also. I felt sorry for the guy and from that point on, I tried to stand up for him so his days wouldn't be as bad at school. Eventually the wrong person picked on him on a very bad day and he retaliated angrily. After watching and listening to the bully react to the boy's situation, it completely changed the bully's point of view and he no longer bullies kids as much.
ReplyDeleteKenny's attitude probably changed towards Larry Dunn because he saw himself in Larry when he used to get picked on. He probably thought if this hurt me, why would I wish for someone else to go through what I went through. He just had a change of heart just like I did when I found out the boy's situation at home and school.
I was bullied a lot in elementary school. I think the constant threats and jokes about being "skinny" is why I began to wet my pants. I would be threatened to be beaten up if I came outside for recess, so I began asking the teacher if I could stay inside and help pass back papers or clean the room to keep from going outside. In junior high the bullying continued! My junior high bully was a much larger girl who tried to beat my butt everyday! I think she was angry about being retained in several grades and I was her outlet.
ReplyDeleteKenny is a vey compassionate and empathetic young man. Kenny realizes that Larry doesn't have all of the basic necessities to survive and to Kenny that isn't anything to joke about. Kenny has a good heart. No matter how mean he is treated he still has a caring heart.
I don't remember being bullied as a child, but as a teacher I see it everyday. It has become a serious problem in our young people's lives. My school is constantly dealing with this issue. I see it more with the females.
ReplyDeleteKenny is a very compassionate young man. Once he realized how he felt when he was being bullied he had a change of heart. Kenny understands that you need to treat others as you want to be treated.